Monday, June 16, 2008

melting metal in a home foundry, backyard metalcasting, metal casting

melting metal in a home foundry, backyard metalcasting, metal casting

Yeah - staying RIGHT on task here!


Tachometers and many other tool-type gadgets of unending utility for the common (and uncommon) tinker....

Home Renovations

Home Renovations

THIS was what I intended to add, as it seems to me that one should be able to tap the temperature (energy) differential between the solar panels atop one's domecile and the 57 degree heat sink of terra firma beneath. A system using some material that changes state (liquid <-> gas) somewhere between that 57 and the ?200 +/-? atop the roof - WHY NOT???? So the first thing that comes to mind (alcohol) could potentially make for a splosion of non-trivial proportions???? ...still thinkin...

Build an Amazing Tesla CD Turbine - Instructables - DIY, How To, offbeat, tech - Entry

Build an Amazing Tesla CD Turbine - Instructables - DIY, How To, offbeat, tech - Entry

This was NOT the intended link, but it was ONE that I'm reading....

Commence FIRING!

Well - every OTHER vacuous lame-brain considers their ramblings worthy of air time - why cannot I dilute the concentration with the distilled water vapor of my varied research? If it bores you, change the channel, LeRoy!

If nothing else, it is my vain intention to do no harm. Compared to many, that is a magnamous contribution in itself -- one which should be attainable.

We start our journey, as it were, in the examination of the current flap about the ill-named "Brown's Gas," and its interesting claims on many frontiers.
